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#5 Mom Jeans with Plastic Panels
Probably the most wearable out of the bunch is this invention from TopShop. Known as Clear Mom Jeans, these babies have been featured across various social media platforms and entertainment websites. Worn more so on a dare or on a fashion challenge, these jeans have been proven rather popular against all odds, selling out at various stores. But as we all know, just because something is popular now, it doesn’t mean it’ll last. Remember, low-rise jeans were cool at some point, and that’s a style we’re willing to leave in the past.(INSTAGRAM // SafiyaNY)
#4 Detachable Jeans
You’ve heard of cargo pants that you can turn into shorts, courtesy of zippers on each leg. Last year, we were introduced to detachable jeans. As if thigh-high denim boots weren’t bad enough, these babies made their way into the wardrobes of today’s highest paid models. Even if they’ve been spotted on the likes of Gigi Hadid, we still don’t get what the appeal is.(INSTAGRAM // skybluepeaches)
#3 Muddy Jeans
Nordstrom got a lot of heat for trying to sell non-muddy muddy jeans for a whopping $425 (that’s over ₱21,000). Why the brand thought that dirty jeans would be a style that people would buy into, who knows? And the fact that they thought they could charge an exorbitant amount for something you could make yourself by rolling around in the garden is just preposterous.(INSTAGRAM // FinanceMonthly)
#2 Plastic Jeans
TopShop was clearly on a roll in debuting crazy jean trends. After showcasing Clear Mom Jeans, the British brand went all out with the plastic to make see-through “jeans.” First of all, who was their supposed demographic for this product? Secondly, what was the point in creating something clear when people could just be pants-less? And can you imagine wearing this in Philippine climate? Sure, the plastic makes the clothing item waterproof, but you’ll also see the sweat and condensation buildup. Nobody wants to witness that. Plus, can you imagine how uncomfortable that sweaty skin-to-plastic jean contact would be? And you thought plastic knees were weird.(INSTAGRAM // SafiyaNY)
And now, the winner (or would it be the loser?) of the list, taking the number one spot among all the bad denim trends is…
#1 Thong Jeans
Honestly, it was a toss-up between this and plastic jeans. At least plastic jeans would still be considered a clothing piece, compared to thong jeans which look more like an accessory, if anything. Like distressed jeans gone wrong, these bottoms look like an accident. Japanese designer Thibaut debuted this atrocity back at Amazon Fashion Week in Tokyo.(INSTAGRAM // Fashion_Critic_)
Notable mentions:
Other questionable denim choices include zippered back jeans and “double” jeans. While these two were pretty strange, they weren’t quite as awful as our top five. Zippers in the back is nothing new in terms of bottoms. And as for the double jeans, well, we have seen far worse. In the 145-year history of the blue jean, 2017 definitely marked the year of horrible denim decisions. If there is a lesson that can be learned here, it’s that blue jeans are classic for a reason. We’re often told to explore the unknown, although sometimes, it’s okay to stick with what you know. Let’s hope we can bounce back from all this, and that this year’s denim creations show more promise than the last. And in the meantime, feel free to check out the new additions to our jeans collection. The Ripped High Waist Stretch Jeans and Classic Skinny Cropped Jeans are much more wearable than the items mentioned in this post.Get your pair on sale now!
Items featured in this post:
Sheena is the lead fashion writer here at Pretty Me Philippines and has contributed articles for numerous lifestyle blogs and online publications. Other than keeping up with the latest trends, she loves baking and home DIY projects.
[…] whole new level. It raised so many eyebrows that it immediately became viral on the internet, even making it to the top of Pretty Me’s crime-on-denim list. No matter how much a person tries to picture it, it’s really unclear how this could be […]
[…] turn into shorts, no one batted an eyelash. However, the same cannot be said for detachable jeans. Pretty Me likened them to the thigh-high denim boot trend, which garnered many dagger looks in the fashion world. Sadly, even the most fabulous models like […]
[…] we were introduced to plastic knee denim and full plastic “jeans,” as highlighted in The Worst Things to Happen to Denim in 2017, only to be followed by clear shoes a year later. Your feet naturally get sweaty in footwear, and […]